The problem
The Earth Charter, a visionary document created by Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987, outlines 16 principles organized into 4 pillars, with the goal of inspiring a new era of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of all human life.
However, despite its profound importance, the Earth Charter has lacked a well-defined visual identity and illustration guide, which could help to amplify its impact and reach.
Collaborate with a team of creatives to develop a new visual identity for the movement, with the aim of turning conscience into action for a better relationship with our planet.

Time line
Motto: Turning conscience into action.
Visual System

The logo was redesigned, and a color palette was created to be used in the visual materials of the movement.


02. Illustrated visual identity
After understanding which direction we were going to take with the visual concept, I started to search for visual references (images and illustrations).

Many attempts were made before arriving at the final illustrations. I focused on exaggerated shapes, where the distortion of the body parts resembled fluid, natural flows.

Final illustrations
I was given the challenge to create an illustrated visual identity for the movement while keeping in mind the project's motto "turning conscience into action", the movement's four pillars, as well as the representation of the movement itself.
- Respect and Care for the Community of Life
- Ecological Integrity
- Social and Economic Justice
- Democracy, Nonviolence and Peace
- Mother Earth
Each character would have a humanoid shape, but considering that we wanted to represent all human beings, we chose to go with a blue skin tone, which, in addition to symbolically representing humanity, is a derivation of the color chosen for the movement.
Pilar I
Respect and care for the community of life

Pillar II
Ecological Integrity

Pillar III
Social and Economic Justice

Pillar IV
Democracy, Nonviolence and Peace

Representation of mother Earth

The new website
At the end of the sprint, after joining forces with the creative professionals, we shaped what became the new social media front for the movement, a new and improved website.